This screen will vary by the internet browser you are using.ħ. The following screen will appear to show you where the file is being downloaded. Click Select to the right and then click Download when it appears.ĭepending on your browser you may be asked to Run or Save the file, select Run.Ħ. The MF Scan Utility will be listed in the Recommended Software section at the top.ĥ. Select your Operating System if it is not automatically detected from the provided drop-down menu. Click the ‘GO’ button to get to the Drivers & Downloads page for your model.Ĥ. Type your model name into the search box and select it from the list that appears.ģ. The instructions will be the same for all models that use the MF Scan UtilityĢ. In this example the Color imageCLASS MF735Cdw will be used.
MF Scan Utility Ver.ĭownloading and install and Setting up the Canon MF Scan Utility
This is software for using scanned images in computer applications, attaching scanned images to e-mail, saving scanned images to the hard disk, and similar functionality. Downloading and Installing the Canon MF Scan Utility.